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PdfTools_PdfToolsDocumentAssembly.h File Reference
#include "PdfTools_Types.h"
#include "PdfTools_PdfToolsSys.h"

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PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetLinks (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy strategy for links.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetLinks (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iLinks)
 Copy strategy for links.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFields (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy strategy for form fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFields (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iFormFields)
 Copy strategy for form fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetSignedSignatures (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Removal strategy for signed signature fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetSignedSignatures (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy iSignedSignatures)
 Removal strategy for signed signature fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetUnsignedSignatures (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetUnsignedSignatures (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iUnsignedSignatures)
 Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetAnnotations (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy strategy for annotations.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetAnnotations (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iAnnotations)
 Copy strategy for annotations.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyOutlineItems (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy outline items (bookmarks).
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyOutlineItems (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyOutlineItems)
 Copy outline items (bookmarks).
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyAssociatedFiles (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy associated files.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyAssociatedFiles (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyAssociatedFiles)
 Copy associated files.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyLogicalStructure (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyLogicalStructure (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyLogicalStructure)
 Copy the logical structure and tagging information.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFieldConflictResolution (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Resolution of conflicting form field names.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFieldConflictResolution (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution iFormFieldConflictResolution)
 Resolution of conflicting form field names.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetNamedDestinations (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Copy strategy for named destinations.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetNamedDestinations (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy iNamedDestinations)
 Copy strategy for named destinations.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetOptimizeResources (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
 Find and merge redundant resources.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetOptimizeResources (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions, BOOL bOptimizeResources)
 Find and merge redundant resources.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_New (void)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyMetadata (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyMetadata (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyMetadata)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyOutputIntent (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyOutputIntent (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyOutputIntent)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyViewerSettings (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyViewerSettings (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyViewerSettings)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyEmbeddedFiles (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyEmbeddedFiles (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions, BOOL bCopyEmbeddedFiles)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_New (const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor *pOutStreamDesc, TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions *pOutOptions, const TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance *pConformance)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler *pDocumentAssembler, TPdfToolsPdf_Document *pInDoc, const int *pFirstPage, const int *pLastPage, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *pDocumentCopyOptions, TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *pPageCopyOptions)
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsPdf_Document *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Assemble (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler *pDocumentAssembler)
 Assemble the input documents The input documents appended with PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append are assembled into the output PDF.
PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Close (TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler *pObject)
 Close object.

Macro Definition Documentation



Function Documentation

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler * pDocumentAssembler,
TPdfToolsPdf_Document * pInDoc,
const int * pFirstPage,
const int * pLastPage,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions )

This method copies document properties and a range of pages from pInDoc.

[in,out]pDocumentAssemblerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler.
[in]pFirstPageOptional parameter denoting the index of the first page to be copied. This index is one-based. If set, the number must be in the range of 1 (first page) to PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetPageCount (last page). If not set, 1 is used.
[in]pLastPageOptional parameter denoting the index of the last page to be copied. This index is one-based. If set, the number must be in the range of 1 (first page) to PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetPageCount (last page). If not set, PdfToolsPdf_Document_GetPageCount is used.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Assemble()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsPdf_Document *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Assemble ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler * pDocumentAssembler)

Assemble the input documents The input documents appended with PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append are assembled into the output PDF.

[in,out]pDocumentAssemblerActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler.
The assembled PDF, which can be used as a new input for further processing.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Close()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Close ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler * pObject)

Close object.

Disposable objects that have an associated close method must be closed by invoking this function.

[in]pObjectDisposable object.
TRUE if the object was closed successfully; FALSE if an error occured while closing the object. Retrieve the error code by calling PdfTools_GetLastError .

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_New ( const TPdfToolsSys_StreamDescriptor * pOutStreamDesc,
TPdfToolsPdf_OutputOptions * pOutOptions,
const TPdfToolsPdf_Conformance * pConformance )
[in,out]pOutStreamDescThe stream to which the output PDF is written
[in,out]pOutOptionsThe PDF output options, e.g. to encrypt the output document.
[in]pConformanceThe required conformance level of the PDF document. Adding pages or content from incompatible documents or using incompatible features will lead to a conformance error. When using NULL, the conformance is determined automatically, based on the conformance of the input documents used in the PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentAssembler_Append method and the requirements of the used features.
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage. Possible error codes:

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyEmbeddedFiles()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyEmbeddedFiles ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions)

If set to TRUE: All embedded files are copied. If set to FALSE: Only embedded files associated with pages within the given page range are copied. (PDF/A-3 only, PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyAssociatedFiles must be set.)

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyMetadata()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyMetadata ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions)

Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyOutputIntent()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyOutputIntent ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions)

Copy the PDF/A output intent.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyViewerSettings()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_GetCopyViewerSettings ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions)

Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyEmbeddedFiles()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyEmbeddedFiles ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyEmbeddedFiles )

If set to TRUE: All embedded files are copied. If set to FALSE: Only embedded files associated with pages within the given page range are copied. (PDF/A-3 only, PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyAssociatedFiles must be set.)

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyEmbeddedFilesSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyMetadata()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyMetadata ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyMetadata )

Copy document information dictionary and XMP metadata.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyMetadataSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyOutputIntent()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyOutputIntent ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyOutputIntent )

Copy the PDF/A output intent.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyOutputIntentSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyViewerSettings()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions_SetCopyViewerSettings ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions * pDocumentCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyViewerSettings )

Copy viewer properties, which include: Page Layout, Page Mode, Open Actions, Piece Info, and Collection properties.

Default: FALSE.

[in,out]pDocumentCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_DocumentCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyViewerSettingsSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetAnnotations()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetAnnotations ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy strategy for annotations.

Specifies how interactive annotations (like sticky notes or text highlights) are treated when copying a page. This does not include links, form fields and signature fields which are not considered annotations in this product.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyAssociatedFiles()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyAssociatedFiles ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy associated files.

Specifies whether embedded files associated with a page or any of its subobjects are also copied when copying the page.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyLogicalStructure()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyLogicalStructure ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy the logical structure and tagging information.

Specifies whether the logical structure and tagging information associated with a page or its content is also copied when copying the page.

This is required if the target document conformance is PDF/A Level a.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyOutlineItems()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetCopyOutlineItems ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy outline items (bookmarks).

Specifies whether outline items (also known as bookmarks) pointing to the copied page should be copied to the target document automatically.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFieldConflictResolution()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFieldConflictResolution ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Resolution of conflicting form field names.

Form field of different files can have the same name (identifier). This property specifies how name conflicts are resolved, when copying pages from multiple source files.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution_Merge

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFields()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetFormFields ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy strategy for form fields.

Specifies how form fields are treated when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetLinks()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetLinks ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy strategy for links.

Specifies how links (document internal and external links) are treated when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetNamedDestinations()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetNamedDestinations ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy strategy for named destinations.

Specify whether named destinations are resolved when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetOptimizeResources()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetOptimizeResources ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Find and merge redundant resources.

Find and merge redundant resources such as fonts and images. This can lead to much smaller files, especially when copying pages from multiple similar source files. However, it also results in longer processing time.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when FALSE is returned and the error code returned by PdfTools_GetLastError is different from ePdfTools_Error_Success. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetSignedSignatures()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetSignedSignatures ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Removal strategy for signed signature fields.

Signed digital signatures are always invalidated when copying a page and therefore have to be removed. This property specifies, whether the visual representation of the signature is preserved.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy_Remove

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetUnsignedSignatures()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_GetUnsignedSignatures ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions)

Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.

Specifies how signature fields are treated, that are not yet signed.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
Retrieved value.

May indicate an error in certain scenarios. For further information see the note section below.

An error occurred when 0 is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_New()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions *PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_New ( void )
Handle to the newly created native object.

NULL if there is an error.

An error occurred when NULL is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetAnnotations()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetAnnotations ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iAnnotations )

Copy strategy for annotations.

Specifies how interactive annotations (like sticky notes or text highlights) are treated when copying a page. This does not include links, form fields and signature fields which are not considered annotations in this product.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iAnnotationsSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyAssociatedFiles()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyAssociatedFiles ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyAssociatedFiles )

Copy associated files.

Specifies whether embedded files associated with a page or any of its subobjects are also copied when copying the page.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyAssociatedFilesSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyLogicalStructure()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyLogicalStructure ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyLogicalStructure )

Copy the logical structure and tagging information.

Specifies whether the logical structure and tagging information associated with a page or its content is also copied when copying the page.

This is required if the target document conformance is PDF/A Level a.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyLogicalStructureSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyOutlineItems()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetCopyOutlineItems ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
BOOL bCopyOutlineItems )

Copy outline items (bookmarks).

Specifies whether outline items (also known as bookmarks) pointing to the copied page should be copied to the target document automatically.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]bCopyOutlineItemsSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFieldConflictResolution()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFieldConflictResolution ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution iFormFieldConflictResolution )

Resolution of conflicting form field names.

Form field of different files can have the same name (identifier). This property specifies how name conflicts are resolved, when copying pages from multiple source files.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NameConflictResolution_Merge

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iFormFieldConflictResolutionSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFields()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetFormFields ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iFormFields )

Copy strategy for form fields.

Specifies how form fields are treated when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iFormFieldsSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetLinks()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetLinks ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iLinks )

Copy strategy for links.

Specifies how links (document internal and external links) are treated when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iLinksSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetNamedDestinations()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetNamedDestinations ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy iNamedDestinations )

Copy strategy for named destinations.

Specify whether named destinations are resolved when copying a page.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_NamedDestinationCopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iNamedDestinationsSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetOptimizeResources()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetOptimizeResources ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
BOOL bOptimizeResources )

Find and merge redundant resources.

Find and merge redundant resources such as fonts and images. This can lead to much smaller files, especially when copying pages from multiple similar source files. However, it also results in longer processing time.

Default value: TRUE

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]bOptimizeResourcesSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetSignedSignatures()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetSignedSignatures ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy iSignedSignatures )

Removal strategy for signed signature fields.

Signed digital signatures are always invalidated when copying a page and therefore have to be removed. This property specifies, whether the visual representation of the signature is preserved.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_RemovalStrategy_Remove

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iSignedSignaturesSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.

◆ PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetUnsignedSignatures()

PDFTOOLS_EXPORT BOOL PDFTOOLS_CALL PdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions_SetUnsignedSignatures ( TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions * pPageCopyOptions,
TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy iUnsignedSignatures )

Copy strategy for unsigned signature fields.

Specifies how signature fields are treated, that are not yet signed.

Default value: ePdfToolsDocumentAssembly_CopyStrategy_Copy

[in,out]pPageCopyOptionsActs as a handle to the native object of type TPdfToolsDocumentAssembly_PageCopyOptions.
[in]iUnsignedSignaturesSet value.
TRUE if the operation is successful; FALSE if there is an error.
An error occurred when FALSE is returned. The specific error code can be retrieved by calling PdfTools_GetLastError. The error message can be obtained by calling PdfTools_GetLastErrorMessage.