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PdfTools.Sign Namespace

Public classAppearance

The visual appearance of signatures

A signature may have a visual appearance on a page of the document. The visual appearance is optional and has no effect on the validity of the signature. Because of this and because a visual appearance may cover important content of the page, it is recommended to create invisible signatures by default.

Typically, a visual appearance is created for forms with a dedicated area reserved for the appearance. Other transaction documents, e.g. invoices, correspondence, or bank statements, are usually signed without a visual appearance.

The appearance can be positioned on a page using PageNumber, Top, Right, Bottom, and Left. It is recommended to set either Top or Bottom and Right or Left. If all are , the default is to position the appearance in the lower right corner with 12 pt (1/6 inch or 4.2 mm) distance to the bottom and right edge of the page, i.e. Bottom = 12 and Right = 12.

Public classMdpPermissionOptions

The permission options when certifying a document

Public classOutputOptions

Additional document level options

These options are available for all signature operations of the Signer. They can also be used without a signature operation with the method Process(Document, Stream, OutputOptions, Provider).

Notes on document encryption when processing files with the Signer:

Public classPreparedDocument

A document that has been prepared for signing

Public classSignatureConfiguration

Configuration for signature creation

This configuration controls the signature creation in Sign(Document, SignatureConfiguration, Stream, OutputOptions) and Certify(Document, SignatureConfiguration, Stream, MdpPermissionOptions, OutputOptions).

Use a Provider to create a signature configuration.

Note that this object can be re-used to sign multiple documents for mass-signing applications.

Public classSignatureFieldOptions

Options for adding unsigned signature fields

These options control the creation of unsigned signature fields in AddSignatureField(Document, SignatureFieldOptions, Stream, OutputOptions).
Public classSigner

Process signatures and signature fields

Public classSignerWarningEventArgs 
Public classTimestampConfiguration

Configuration for adding time-stamps

This configuration controls the creation of time-stamps in AddTimestamp(Document, TimestampConfiguration, Stream, OutputOptions).

Use a Provider to create a time-stamp configuration.

Note that this object can be re-used to add time-stamps to multiple documents for mass-signing applications.

Public enumerationAddValidationInformation
Public enumerationSignatureRemoval
Public enumerationWarningCategory

The warning category

The category of the warning of Warning.