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PdfTools.Image2Pdf Namespace

Public classAuto

The image mapping that automatically determines a suitable conversion

Images with a meaningful resolution, e.g. scans or graphics, are converted to PDF pages fitting the image. The image size is preserved if it is smaller than MaxPageSize. Otherwise, it is scaled down. For all images except scans, a margin DefaultPageMargin is used.

Images with no meaningful resolution, e.g. photos are scaled, to fit onto MaxPageSize.

Public classConverter

The class to convert one or more images to a PDF document

Public classImageMapping

The base class for image mappings

The image mapping specifies how an input image is transformed and placed onto the output PDF page.
Public classImageOptions

The conversion options related to the images

Public classShrinkToPage

The image mapping that places the image onto pages of the specified size

Place images onto portrait or landscape pages. Large images are scaled down to fit onto the PDF page size PageSize.
Public classShrinkToPortrait

The image mapping that places the image onto portrait pages of the specified size

Place images onto portrait pages. Large images are scaled down to fit onto PageSize.