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SignatureConfiguration Class

The signature configuration

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.Crypto.Providers.Pkcs11
Assembly: PdfTools (in PdfTools.dll) Version:
public class SignatureConfiguration : SignatureConfiguration

The SignatureConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddTimestamp

Whether to add a trusted time-stamp to the signature

If , the TimestampUrl must be set.


Public propertyContactInfo

The contact information of the signer

Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature. For example, a phone number.
(Inherited from SignatureConfiguration)
Public propertyFieldName
(Inherited from SignatureConfiguration)
Public propertyHashAlgorithm

The message digest algorithm

The algorithm used to hash the document and from which the cryptographic signature is created.

Default: Sha256

Public propertyLocation

The location of signing

The CPU host name or physical location of the signing.
(Inherited from SignatureConfiguration)
Public propertyName

The name of the signing certificate

(Inherited from SignatureConfiguration)
Public propertyReason

The reason for signing

(Inherited from SignatureConfiguration)
Public propertySignatureFormat

The format (encoding) of the cryptographic signature

Default: EtsiCadesDetached
Public propertySignaturePaddingType

The padding type of the cryptographic signature

Default: RsaSsaPss for RSA and Default for ECDSA certificates
Public propertyValidationInformation

Whether to add validation information (LTV)

For signing certificates that do not offer validation (revocation) information (OCSP or CRL), this property is ignored.

If downloading validation information fails, an error NotFoundException or HttpException is generated. See AddValidationInformationFailed for a description of possible error causes and solutions.

Default: EmbedInDocument if the signing certificate offers validation information and None otherwise

Public methodAddCertificate

Add a certificate

Add a certificate to the signature configuration. Adding certificates of the trust chain is often required, if they are missing in the PKCS#11 device's store and validation information is added (see ValidationInformation). For example, if this object has been created using CreateSignatureFromKeyId(Byte, Stream).
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also