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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CTPtxPdf_FileReferenceDescription of a file A file description is used for embedded files
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationA page annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_AnnotationListA list of annotations When a list of PtxPdf_Page_GetAnnotations is obtained from a page that belongs to an output document, and this output document has been created with PtxPdf_Document_CreateWithFdf, then getting the list count and individual elements results in a ePtx_Error_UnsupportedOperation error. Only appending to the list is supported in this case
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_CustomStampA stamp annotation with custom content
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_DrawingAnnotationA drawing annotation An annotation used to draws something on a page
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_EllipseAnnotationAn ellipse drawing annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_FileAttachmentA file attachment annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_FreeTextAn annotation that displays text For a free-text annotation, the annotation's content is used as text to be displayed as the annotation's visual manifestation on the page
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_HighlightAn text highlighting annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_InkAnnotationA free-hand drawing annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_LineAnnotationA line annotation An annotation that draws a line on a page
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupAnnotationA markup annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_MarkupInfoInformation for a markup annotation Holds information contained in a markup annotation or in a reply to a markup annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_PolygonAnnotationA polygon annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_PolyLineAnnotationA drawing annotation that consists of several line segments
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_PopupA pop-up for a markup annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_RectangleAnnotationA rectangle drawing annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_SquigglyA squiggly text underlining annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_StampA stamp annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_StickyNoteA sticky note annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_StrikeThroughAn annotation for striking through text
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_TextInsertAn annotation that marks a point to insert text
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_TextMarkupAn annotation that marks up part(s) of a text
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_TextStampA text stamp annotation
 CTPtxPdfAnnots_UnderlineAn text underlining annotation
 CTPtxPdfContent_ContentRepresents the content of a page or a group. The class has no methods on its own, but can be modified with a TPtxPdfContent_ContentGenerator or extracted with a TPtxPdfContent_ContentExtractor
 CTPtxPdfContent_PathPaths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts. A path is made up of one or more disconnected subpaths, each comprising a sequence of connected segments. The topology of the path is unrestricted: it can be concave or convex, can contain multiple subpaths representing disjoint areas, and can intersect itself in arbitrary ways
 CTPtxPdfContent_SubpathA disconnected subpath. A container for connected path segments
 CTPtxPdfContent_TextFragmentText Fragment
 CTPtxPdfForms_CheckBoxA check box field
 CTPtxPdfForms_ChoiceFieldA choice field
 CTPtxPdfForms_ChoiceItemAn item in a list box field or combo box field
 CTPtxPdfForms_ComboBoxA combo box field
 CTPtxPdfForms_CombTextFieldA fixed pitch text field In a comb text field, the PtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField_GetMaxLength must be defined. The glyphs displayed are placed in PtxPdfForms_GeneralTextField_GetMaxLength equally spaced cells
 CTPtxPdfForms_DocMdpSignatureA Document Modification Detection and Prevention (MDP) signature that certifies the document This type of signature enables the detection of disallowed changes specified by the author
 CTPtxPdfForms_DocumentSignatureA document signature that signs the document Document signatures are sometimes also called approval signatures. This type of signature enables to verify the integrity of the signed part of the document and authenticate the signer’s identity
 CTPtxPdfForms_DocumentTimeStampA document time-stamp signature that time-stamps the document This type of signature provides evidence that the document existed at a specific time and protects the document’s integrity
 CTPtxPdfForms_FieldA form field
 CTPtxPdfForms_FieldNodeBase class for form fields and sub forms
 CTPtxPdfForms_GeneralTextFieldA general text field
 CTPtxPdfForms_ListBoxA list box field
 CTPtxPdfForms_PushButtonA push button field
 CTPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonA button in a radio button group
 CTPtxPdfForms_RadioButtonGroupA radio button field
 CTPtxPdfForms_SignatureA base class for certain signature types
 CTPtxPdfForms_SignatureFieldA digital signature field
 CTPtxPdfForms_SignedSignatureFieldA base class for signature fields that have been signed The existence of a signed signature field does not imply, that the signature is valid, the signature is actually not validated at all
 CTPtxPdfForms_SubFormA form field that contains other fields
 CTPtxPdfForms_TextFieldA text field
 CTPtxPdfForms_WidgetA form field widget
 CTPtxPdfNav_EmbeddedPdfLinkA link to an embedded PDF document
 CTPtxPdfNav_InternalLinkA document-wide link
 CTPtxPdfNav_LinkA link
 CTPtxPdfNav_WebLinkAn external link
 CTPtxSys_StreamDescriptorStructure that groups a set of callbacks that model streams