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ColorSpaceCreateProcessColorSpace Method

Get the canonical grayscale, RGB, or CMYK color space.

Depending on the PDF/A compliance and the output intent, this is either a device color space (DeviceGrayColorSpace, DeviceRgbColorSpace, DeviceCmykColorSpace), a calibrated color space (CalibratedGrayColorSpace, CalibratedRgbColorSpace), or an ICC-based color space (4-channel IccBasedColorSpace). The returned color space object is not yet used on any page, but it is associated with the given target document.

Namespace: PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox.Pdf.Content
Assembly: PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox (in PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public static ColorSpace CreateProcessColorSpace(
	Document targetDocument,
	ProcessColorSpaceType type


targetDocument  Document
the output document with which the returned object is associated
type  ProcessColorSpaceType
the color space type

Return Value

newly created color space object
IOExceptionUnable to read a required ICC profile or writing to the document
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument has already been closed
ArgumentExceptionif the targetDocument argument is read-only
ArgumentNullExceptionif targetDocument is .
See Also