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Link Class

A link

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox.Pdf.Navigation
Assembly: PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox (in PdfTools.FourHeights.PdfToolbox.dll) Version:
public abstract class Link : NativeObject

The Link type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveArea

The link area

The link is activated when a mouse click falls within the area defined by this list of Quadrilaterals.
Public propertyBorderStyle

The link's border

This property defines if and how a rectangular border is drawn for the link.
Public propertyBoundingBox

The location on the page

Public propertyHidden

The link's visibility

If then the link is present, but is invisible and not available for user interaction. Depending on the NoPrint property it will, however, still be visible when printing.
Public propertyNoPrint

The link's visibility when printing

If then the link is not present in a print output of the document.
Public methodStatic memberCopy

Copy a link from an input document to a output document.

Public methodEquals
(Inherited from NativeObject)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from NativeObject)
See Also