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Connected mode

Configure the Pdftools software to validate the license keys partially offline using the connected mode, enabling the system to remain operational without a network connection for varied amount of time. The period in which you can validate the license keys offline differs depending on your license type and agreement with the Pdftools.

Full offline mode

You can also set up a full offline mode that let's you use Pdftools software offline for at least three months. For more details, review Full offline mode.

Install the LGS

Install the Licensing Gateway Service (LGS) to enable partially offline configuration, download and install the package on a machine in your network that is connected to the internet.

  1. Download the LicensingGatewayService.msi package.
  2. Run the installer.

The installer copies the required binary files, sets up the port and environment variables, and creates and runs a Windows service that acts as an agent to regularly synchronize the LGS with the Pdftools Licensing Server.

Configure the LGS

To configure the LGS:

  1. Locate the LGS configuration file appsettings.json:

    For Windows, the file is in the installation folder, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Pdftools\Licensing Gateway Service\appsettings.json

    Example configuration file:

    "LicensingServicePortNumber": 9999,
    "LogFilePath": "C:/logs/pdftls/log.txt",
    "LogRetentionDays": 7
  2. You can configure these options:

    • Licensing Service Port number: Set the port number used by the service. The default value is 9999.
    • Log file path: Specify the desired path of the log files.
    • Log retention: Define the number of days the log files are kept.
  3. Restart the service after modifying the appsettings.json file for the changes to take effect.

  4. To ensure that the LGS can always connect to the Pdftools Licensing Server, add the service to the allowlist of any configured firewall.


If the machine with the LGS becomes inaccessible, you can borrow a license key on another machine without returning it first. If you try to borrow the license key more than once in this situation, the license key is blocked.

You cannot use or return the blocked license key on any other machine. To reset the license key, contact Pdftools support. Review the Support page.

Use the CLI utility

The LGS includes a command-line interface utility designed to manage and borrow license keys associated with your Pdftools products.


When you activate a license key in LGS, it is linked to the machine where you activated it. If you install LGS on another machine, deactivate the license key first so you can activate it again in LGS.

Borrow a license

Borrowing means adding license keys to the LGS to validate them for the machines in your local network automatically. To borrow a license, use the following command and include the license key:

licgwy add <license-key>

When you run this command, a connection is opened between the LGS and the Pdftools Licensing Server to validate the license key for a period of time. The LGS lets you use multiple license keys at the same time.


Use a license key only on one machine or one proxy service. If you want to reuse a license key installed on another machine, return the license key first before adding it to the new machine. Review Return a license for more information.

Check licenses and the service status

To view all license keys added to the system, use the following command:

licgwy list

To view the connection status between the LGS and the Pdftools Licensing Service, use the following command:

licgwy status

Synchronize licenses

To establish an active connection between the LGS and the Pdftools Licensing Server manually, use the command:

licgwy sync

This command contacts the Pdftools Licensing Server and synchronizes usage using the cached data stored by the LGS.

Return a license

To return a borrowed license, use the remove command. You must perform the step to return the license to the Pdftools Licensing Server before it can be added to another machine.

licgwy remove <license-key>

A license remains borrowed by a specific machine until it is returned, even if it becomes deactivated.

Return the license before another machine can borrow it.

To return all license keys added to the LGS, use the command:

licgwy remove-all

LGS CLI commands

To access a full list of available commands, use the licgwy help command.

licgwy helpGet instructions on how to use the CLI with a full list of commands.
licgwy versionGet the LGS version number.
licgwy add <license-key>Add a new license key
licgwy remove <license-key>Remove a license key
licgwy remove-allRemove all license keys
licgwy statusCheck the licensing service status.
licgwy listGet information about added license keys and for how long they are valid.
licgwy syncConnect to Pdftools Licensing Server on demand (refreshes the time on all borrowed licenses)