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Update Conversion Service in Docker

Learn how to update the Conversion Service to the latest version in Docker.

Automatic update

The automatic update is available if you use the Conversion Service with Docker Compose. For more information, see Docker Compose configuration.

Before you begin

All relevant files, such as appsettings.json and workflows, are backed up during the update. Restore your installation using these files in the unlikely event of an error during the update process.


When you update the Conversion Service installation to the latest version, the configuration is no longer compatible with previous versions.

To update the Conversion Service in Docker:

  1. Change the value of the IMAGE_VERSION variable in the .env file to the latest version.
  2. Run Docker Compose:
    docker compose up -d

Manual update

If you are using a standalone Docker container, you can update the Conversion Service manually:

  1. Update the Conversion Service using the Windows Server approach. Review Update Conversion Service on Windows Server.
  2. Import updated profiles to new containers based on the new version of the pdftoolsag/conversion-service image.