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REST input plain HTTP



The REST input plain HTTP endpoint supports the conversion of large files (larger than 100 MB). In the request body, provide a file you want to convert as the multipart/form-data content type.


Path Parameters

    connection-id stringrequired

    The connection-id defines which Connection you want to run using the Simple API. The Conversion Service comes with a preconfigured Connection that has an ID archive-pdfa2-default. To use another custom integration:

    1. Go to the Conversion Service Configurator > Integration.
    2. Click the pencil icon next to one of the integrations.
    3. Under the Input section, click the pencil icon next to one of the Input configurations.
    4. Copy the connection-id from the Connection ID field.



Upload the file to be converted as multipart/form-data content type. Include the binary data of your document in the data field.

    data binaryrequired

    Include data of the file to be uploaded.


The file was successfully submitted for conversion. The Simple API returned the converted file in the response.


