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Create new job



Create a new job for processing using the provided workflow and profile. After you create a job, use the addData API request to add data such as documents, images, and other accepted files for processing.

Delete all created jobs when they are finished using the deleteJob request.

Note that there are two types of options that you can use:

  • Job options: Set in the body of the creteJob API request.
  • Document options: Set in the addData API request.


Query Parameters

    workflow string

    The name of the workflow.

    If no workflow is specified, the default workflow of the service is used.

    Example: Archive PDF/A-2
    profile string

    The name of the profile.

    If no profile is specified, the default profile of the workflow is used.

    Example: default
    name string

    The name of the job.

    This value may be used by the workflow, e.g. to name the output file when merging multiple inputs.


Body of the createJob request.

Note that there are two types of options that you can use:

  • Job options: Set in the body of the creteJob API request.

  • Document options: Set in the addData API request.

  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Option name

    The list of supported options depends on the profile used. Common names are:

    • DOC.PASSWORD: Password used for password protected files. This option can be added multiple times, where all passwords are tried. The list of passwords is also used to open embedded and/or attached files.
    value stringrequired

    The option's value.

    Note that the value must match the type required by the option. Otherwise workflow processing will abort with an error code option.

  • ]


Successful response to the createJob and getJobInfo requests


    jobId jobId (string)required

    Unique ID of the job.

    The job ID can be used to control the job, e.g. start it, as well as identify corresponding messages in the service log file. Therefore it is highly recommended to log the job ID in the client log file.




    code jobStatusCode (string)required

    Possible values: [creating, pending, processing, completed]

    message stringrequired

    A message describing the job's status in more detail. Example: "Converting 'input.pdf' to PDF/A."
