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Michael Rumpf
Archive Manager, PostFinance AG
As the project was predominantly intended to implement regulatory requirements, it was important to us to have the project and subsequent operations managed by a trustworthy and reliable partner who is familiar with the needs of the financial sector and can develop the product range accordingly. The support we received was exemplary and highly competent. Our queries were addressed very quickly with outstanding customer focus and competence. The product fulfills our specifications and is well-documented.
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Rainer Bornheim
Project Leader Regulatory Document Management System, Bayer CropScience
Unser langjähriger Partner Pdftools hat uns einen wichtigen Grundstein für die langfristige Archivierung unserer Regulierungsdokumente bereitgestellt. Heute sind wir in der Lage, wertvolle Dokumente in hoher Qualität an die Behörden zu übergeben und gleichzeitig die Reproduzierbarkeit unserer Dokumente für die kommenden Jahre zu gewährleisten.
Daniel Spichty
Project Manager, UBS AG
It was important for us to have a reliable partner on board as we were entering uncharted waters. Pdftools was able to offer us the best possible solution for our needs and ensured technical support was available at all times. The successful project was rounded off by the extremely attractive cost-benefit ratio of the Pdftools solution.
Aldo Cavegn
Project Leader, Swiss Mobiliar
The complete system has been in production for several months. The signature interface has proven to be stable and reliable. The expectations were fulfilled and the uncomplicated support from Pdftools deserves special mention.
Patrick Brunold
Head Group SAP ERP & other ERPs, Oerlikon
The processing of vendor invoices is now much simpler. We don‘t need scanning stations at the different locations, meaning no administration is required for stations either. The processing of the sent stacks of invoices by the software running is highly stable and fast.
Frank Enders
Manager IT Infrastructure, Lufthansa Passage
We would especially like to mention the fast and competent support provided by Pdftools that was available to us throughout the entire project implementation phase.
Michael Rumpf
Archive Manager, PostFinance AG
As the project was predominantly intended to implement regulatory requirements, it was important to us to have the project and subsequent operations managed by a trustworthy and reliable partner who is familiar with the needs of the financial sector and can develop the product range accordingly. The support we received was exemplary and highly competent. Our queries were addressed very quickly with outstanding customer focus and competence. The product fulfills our specifications and is well-documented.
Alt text
Rainer Bornheim
Project Leader Regulatory Document Management System, Bayer CropScience
Unser langjähriger Partner Pdftools hat uns einen wichtigen Grundstein für die langfristige Archivierung unserer Regulierungsdokumente bereitgestellt. Heute sind wir in der Lage, wertvolle Dokumente in hoher Qualität an die Behörden zu übergeben und gleichzeitig die Reproduzierbarkeit unserer Dokumente für die kommenden Jahre zu gewährleisten.
Daniel Spichty
Project Manager, UBS AG
It was important for us to have a reliable partner on board as we were entering uncharted waters. Pdftools was able to offer us the best possible solution for our needs and ensured technical support was available at all times. The successful project was rounded off by the extremely attractive cost-benefit ratio of the Pdftools solution.
Aldo Cavegn
Project Leader, Swiss Mobiliar
The complete system has been in production for several months. The signature interface has proven to be stable and reliable. The expectations were fulfilled and the uncomplicated support from Pdftools deserves special mention.
Patrick Brunold
Head Group SAP ERP & other ERPs, Oerlikon
The processing of vendor invoices is now much simpler. We don‘t need scanning stations at the different locations, meaning no administration is required for stations either. The processing of the sent stacks of invoices by the software running is highly stable and fast.
Frank Enders
Manager IT Infrastructure, Lufthansa Passage
We would especially like to mention the fast and competent support provided by Pdftools that was available to us throughout the entire project implementation phase.
Michael Rumpf
Archive Manager, PostFinance AG
As the project was predominantly intended to implement regulatory requirements, it was important to us to have the project and subsequent operations managed by a trustworthy and reliable partner who is familiar with the needs of the financial sector and can develop the product range accordingly. The support we received was exemplary and highly competent. Our queries were addressed very quickly with outstanding customer focus and competence. The product fulfills our specifications and is well-documented.
Alt text
Rainer Bornheim
Project Leader Regulatory Document Management System, Bayer CropScience
Unser langjähriger Partner Pdftools hat uns einen wichtigen Grundstein für die langfristige Archivierung unserer Regulierungsdokumente bereitgestellt. Heute sind wir in der Lage, wertvolle Dokumente in hoher Qualität an die Behörden zu übergeben und gleichzeitig die Reproduzierbarkeit unserer Dokumente für die kommenden Jahre zu gewährleisten.
Daniel Spichty
Project Manager, UBS AG
It was important for us to have a reliable partner on board as we were entering uncharted waters. Pdftools was able to offer us the best possible solution for our needs and ensured technical support was available at all times. The successful project was rounded off by the extremely attractive cost-benefit ratio of the Pdftools solution.
Aldo Cavegn
Project Leader, Swiss Mobiliar
The complete system has been in production for several months. The signature interface has proven to be stable and reliable. The expectations were fulfilled and the uncomplicated support from Pdftools deserves special mention.
Patrick Brunold
Head Group SAP ERP & other ERPs, Oerlikon
The processing of vendor invoices is now much simpler. We don‘t need scanning stations at the different locations, meaning no administration is required for stations either. The processing of the sent stacks of invoices by the software running is highly stable and fast.
Frank Enders
Manager IT Infrastructure, Lufthansa Passage
We would especially like to mention the fast and competent support provided by Pdftools that was available to us throughout the entire project implementation phase.
Michael Rumpf
Archive Manager, PostFinance AG
As the project was predominantly intended to implement regulatory requirements, it was important to us to have the project and subsequent operations managed by a trustworthy and reliable partner who is familiar with the needs of the financial sector and can develop the product range accordingly. The support we received was exemplary and highly competent. Our queries were addressed very quickly with outstanding customer focus and competence. The product fulfills our specifications and is well-documented.
Alt text
Rainer Bornheim
Project Leader Regulatory Document Management System, Bayer CropScience
Unser langjähriger Partner Pdftools hat uns einen wichtigen Grundstein für die langfristige Archivierung unserer Regulierungsdokumente bereitgestellt. Heute sind wir in der Lage, wertvolle Dokumente in hoher Qualität an die Behörden zu übergeben und gleichzeitig die Reproduzierbarkeit unserer Dokumente für die kommenden Jahre zu gewährleisten.
Daniel Spichty
Project Manager, UBS AG
It was important for us to have a reliable partner on board as we were entering uncharted waters. Pdftools was able to offer us the best possible solution for our needs and ensured technical support was available at all times. The successful project was rounded off by the extremely attractive cost-benefit ratio of the Pdftools solution.
Aldo Cavegn
Project Leader, Swiss Mobiliar
The complete system has been in production for several months. The signature interface has proven to be stable and reliable. The expectations were fulfilled and the uncomplicated support from Pdftools deserves special mention.

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