Secure and stable email-conversion with 3‑Heights® Document Converter at CBP
For 10 years CBP used a custom email conversion tool which allowed to successfully handle multiple thousands of emails per day. But email conversion requires constant evolutions as the technology is changing permanently. CBP's custom system reached some limits.
Application requirements
CBP drives an insurance business and emails are used for business critical communication with their partners and consumers. For 10 years they have a custom email conversion tool which allowed to successfully handle multiple thousands of emails per day.
But email conversion requires constant evolutions as the technology is changing permanently. CBPs custom system reached some limits. The rejection rate was increasing and reaching 3 \% it was impacting too much their productivity. Moreover errors of document compositions were also increasing.
The customer has been migrating PDF Tools AG 3-Heights® Document Converter in summer 2013. CBP is fully satisfied of this choice as PDF Tools AG follows email market’s evolutions. Converted documents are nearly always perfectly conform to the original and the throuput requirements of CBP are fullfilled without oversizing the infrastructure. The rejection process is fully operational, the rejection rate is far below than before and the system is running very stable.