PDF/A and ElDI-V compliant document processing and archiving

Swiss Post Solutions planned to extend its SPS solution so that it can provide, process and archive PDF documents (invoices and orders) in compliance with VAT requirements. This was to be achieved through the integration of an ElDI-V compliant PDF signature and the conversion of all PDF and TIFF documents into PDF/A.
Application requirements
Efficient and controlled access to electronically archived data is becoming ever more important to the B2B customers of Swiss Post Solutions. Electronic archives must be managed in compliance with regulations – input tax deductions, for instance, require compliance with ElDI-V specifications (Ordinance on Electronic Data and Information).
Swiss Post Solutions planned to extend its SPS solution so that it can provide, process and archive PDF documents (invoices and orders) in compliance with VAT requirements. This was to be achieved through the integration of an electronic ElDI-V compliant PDF signature and the conversion of all PDF and TIFF documents to the ISO long-term storage format PDF/A.
Additionally, all active content (such as links) needed to be eliminated through conversion to an image PDF document format. The software had to fulfill high performance specifications as some areas of implementation took place in synchronous processes (on the fly). The task required integrating system functions in the SPS software solution and connecting them to the existing HSM infrastructure.
The 3-Heights® Document Converter solution from PDF Tools AG meets the requirements raised by Swiss Post Solutions in full. It is equipped with the necessary functionality and is technologically compliant with regard to the strategy (.NET API) of Swiss Post Solutions. Extensive documentation and a sample code quickly led to the required solution within the scope of a Proof of Concept. The local presence of PDF Tools AG and a corresponding support organization in Switzerland were also decisive aspects of the decision to use the software.
Customer benefits
Document processing in the area of electronic billing as part of the overall SPS solution now produces PDF/A compliant documents for long-term electronic storage.
All PDF and TIFF documents are converted to PDF/A, given an electronic signature via HSM, made available to B2B clients for downloading and then electronically archived.
Changing the signature application from USB certificates to mass signing via an HSM infrastructure makes the process all the more safe and efficient.
More than 1,000 B2B invoice producers and recipients are benefiting from a solution that also fulfills ElDI-V requirements.
The integration of the central PDF Tools Library for PDF processing (conversion, signature, verification) is achieved via an uncomplicated .NET API solution installed in the application server of the SPS solution.
This included integrating the existing HSM infrastructure for ElDI-V compliant signing. Fast responses to support requests and comprehensive product documentation made project implementation smooth and efficient.