Metafile uses products from PDF Tools AG to locate and display PDF documents

IndustryIT Services
Company size50 - 200
Used ProductsPDF Extract/PDF Viewer SDK

The MetaViewer product line is used for fast delivery of PDF, image and printstream files. Some Metafile customers process PDF documents containing more than 50,000 pages. The 3-Heights™ PDF Viewer was able to significantly improve the display of PDF documents.

Virginia Wimmer
Vice Director, Software Development
PDF Tools AG is one of our most reliable technology suppliers. They react quickly to every problem that occurs with useful tips or a remedy to fix the error. Good collaboration gives us security.

Application requirements

The MetaViewer product line is used for fast delivery of PDF, image and printstream files. Employees implement the solution in work processes or for further processing via email or web. Some Metafile customers process PDF documents containing more than 50,000 pages. In most cases PDF documents are viewed using free viewing applications from the Internet. However, the disadvantage of these viewers is their slow processing speed. It makes the work of those who use it less efficient and therefore more costly.

MetaViewer was able to significantly improve the display of PDF documents via its Windows Retrieval Client. The 3-Heights® PDF Viewer for Windows enables MetaViewer Windows Client users to switch between hundreds of PDF pages directly on the client without having to install an external viewer.

Customer benefits

Metafile recognized at an early stage that specialized high-quality tools were needed to create large PDF documents from different data sources. Metafile's customers were unable to achieve the level of performance they required in their editing processes with free PDF viewers. Metafile's requirements were met in full by the products 3-Heights® PDF Viewer, 3-Heights® PDF Extract Tool and PDF Library SDK from PDF Tools AG. The results of evaluation version tests and the first-class support encouraged Metafile to utilize the tools without delay.


Metafile was able to reduce the amount of time it takes to index full text in a PDF by at least 50\% thanks to the 3-Heights® PDF Extract Tool for Windows. At the same time the tool offers users direct support when working with complex PDF files.

The so-called Document Distribution Module in MetaViewer allows users to collate selected pages from one or more PDFs to form a new PDF document and send it via email. PDF Library SDK for Windows and the 3-Heights® PDF Viewer for Windows help the Document Distribution Module to wrap up heavily customized packages, whereby PDF, image and printstream files are merged quickly and easily.

The resultsplus! application manages orders, time management aspects, donations, mailings, reports and even special events with great efficiency in a single database. The PDF Library SDK helps resultsplus! to create PDF documents for use in electronic mailshots with email attachments. The software application enables the implementation of uncomplicated and highly flexible online marketing activities.

Brief portrait of Metafile Information Systems, Inc.

Metafile offers professional solutions for merging data and text information. Continuous improvements to its products – such as Meta-Viewer, PrintStore and resultsplus! – have enabled the company to adopt and strengthen a leading role in this market segment. The company has received many special awards and top places at award ceremonies due to its high degree of commitment and the high quality of its services.

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